Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Love means never having to say you're sorry" I beg to differ...

“Love means never having to say your sorry.” Huh? What the hell does that mean anyway?

This quote originates from the 1970 movie Love Story starring Ali MacGraw and Ryan O’Neal, although it was actually misspoken from the script and was supposed to read “Love means not ever having to say your sorry.” Same deal to me. Love? No apologies? Really?!

What I think this means is that when two people have a love, a real true and deep love for one another, the understanding of the others mind is so in sync and so heartfelt that there is never a miscommunication, mistake, or ill remark that would warrant an apology. No apology could be worthy in any circumstance because everything is simply “understood.” Love can move mountains, part seas, and make the world go ‘round, so why then could love not be exempt from apologies? Could it? Maybe in fairy tales....

Perhaps if you love someone enough, your heart becomes incapable of hurting the one you love. You want to be the best you can be for that person, in all situations, under any circumstances, and if we are honestly giving 100% of our hearts and minds to become the best and most love filled person there is, I doubt there would be many things we would desire to do that should require an apology.

Long gone are the days of Romeo and Juliet people, and nowadays, I feel it’s not real love if you can’t fuck up on occasion and say you’re sorry, forgive, forget, and move on. After all, love is not perfect and we all have our bad moments. Life is not sunshine and lollipops while skipping down a yellow brick road. It can be hard and stressful, but a relationship of true love sees the faults, hears the bitching, and adores you anyway. Love should be unconditional, but not inconsiderate. Love should not be perfect, but perfectly mold-able. People change, life changes, and so does love. It can get big then small and weak then strong, but always comes back to the seed it originally sprouted from and continues to grow forward again.

When you truly love someone in their entirety, it’s understandable that you wouldn’t have to say your sorry for much because the flaws and short comings of that person you love are not seen as a “problem” but a “part” of who you love. Every perfect diamond has a flaw somewhere in there, but it usually gets hidden within the beauty surrounding it. True love oversees the flaws, rather than putting a magnifying glass up to your soul and pinpointing the hairline fractures it contains. True love sees the hidden parts, embraces the beauty within’, and reaches into the depth of your soul bringing up the most brilliant parts of you so that you feel like a beaming ray of sunshine when you catch eyes with that person who got you.

Although I think it would be a beautiful feeling to be so loved and understood by someone that I would NEVER have to say I’m sorry, in reality I think it’s just a cheesy line in a movie. If you want to be realistic, “Love means never having to say fuck-you” would be a better quote for ya.

Besides, I have no desire to strive to be perfect in anyone’s eyes and I’m perfectly fine with that.

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