Sunday, March 13, 2016

The blog of improv

It’s not like I gave up blogging or writing or thinking for that matter I just haven’t done it in a while. Well, besides the thinking. Over thinking actually. I probably do a little too much thinking and little less articulating  lately.

I may implode because of this.

So here I am at far too early in the morning (why the hell was I up at 4?!) forcing myself to sit down , turn on the computer and allow these fingers to tap something onto the keyboard so I can release whatever my little heart desires. 
I have so many thoughts, ideas, wonderment and visions that I cannot even figure out what the hell to write about these days. My brain has been a cumbersome puzzle of cobwebs and stress and the idea of even trying to fit the pieces together makes me feel like I have one foot dangling over the tipping point of a mental explosion. I don’t know why. It just is.

I haven’t a clue what this blog is about or if it will even have a topic so allow me to ramble until I figure out what it is I’m writing about.

Let’s start with this: The anniversary of my Mom’s death was the other day. It’s been 4 years. It likely prompted me to be at this computer right now since I blog about her every year on this date and realized “why don’t I write anymore?” I was going to create a whole piece about how I am still and shall forever be affected by her absence from my life and of all the things I’d like to tell her that I never got to but honestly, the pain I feel this year is too deep, like really deep to the core so much it makes my bones ache and the thought of even expressing it immediately makes my eyes well up with tears and then there’s a lump of coal that magically slips into my throat and my glands ache and my nose starts running and ashes to ashes we all fall down.  I can’t even do the ring around the rosie this year because I just can’t. I. Just. Can’t. God I miss her. I can’t even put it into words this year and I’m a wizard at vocabulary.

Which brings up a funny story, the lump is going down now so let me see if I can get this out. 
I’m good at spelling. I don’t know why I just am. Born that way. So I remember one day in grade school, I’m guessing it was 4th grade because I was wearing a teal colored waffle knit sweater and a pink beaded necklace and I relate my outfits to my age (it’s the fashionista in me) anyway, I had an A+ on my spelling test per the usual (not bragging, it just is) and it was lying on the counter. My Mom said something like “Well you must really study hard in Spelling you always get them all right.” And I said “What do you mean study?”  I really didn’t know what she meant. “Well study the words. You must read them over a lot or practice writing them down since you get them all right.” 
I was baffled. I didn’t realize people studied their spelling lists. I would briefly skim it and throw it away wondering why the teacher gave us the list of words. I remember having this epiphany. I can tell my Mom did too.  When she realized that I would see a word once and somehow remember how it was spelled she thought that was pretty neat. Sort of shook her head and smiled.

I ‘m 38 years old now and I haven’t thought about that day in a really long time but I can say that it stuck with me because I remember sitting at the yellow counter-top and looking at the twisted up jelly bracelets on my arm (definitely 4th grade) and she softly said as she walked away (I remember the back of her white sweatshirt, that’s all she wore black and white), “Well maybe that means you’ll be a writer someday.”

Maybe that means you’ll be a writer someday. Maybe it does. Maybe it did. Maybe it still does? I am a writer. It’s what I do. I think and write and think and write and yet I have neglected this for a while now because life got in the way. Time doesn’t slow down enough for me to catch my thoughts before they slip away into the stress of the day.

What am I blogging about again?

Who the hell knows. What I do know is this: I feel complete when I write. I feel like a loose thread when I don’t. Perhaps that’s why I’ve been unraveling lately. Writing feeds my soul. A soul that is so mysteriously complicated that even I can’t understand it. So that is why I sat down today. To realize that I NEED to write. I BLEED to write.

And I really miss my MOM. Fiercely.

*Please don’t judge my spelling errors in my blog, I’m a wizard not a genius and I haven’t had my coffee yet.