Thursday, February 10, 2011

The benefits of "Beer drinking chics"

According to a study done by OkCupid, women who prefer the taste of beer are more likely to sleep with you on the first date... Um....duh? Ha ha.

No really. How a person could conduct a study based on your taste for beer and equate it to if you’ll do the dirty on the first date is beyond me, but it does kind of make sense. Maybe a little bit?

Ok so I kind of agree with this, not because I like the taste of beer and I’m proof of this little study, but well...I like my fellow beer drinking girls and I think there’s a true meaning behind this test by OkCupid.

Why? Well, here’s a few things I know about girls that drink beer:

They don’t always have to be prim and proper and act like a lady. They can belch out loud and look hot while doing it, rather than cup their mouth in fact, they have no shame.

They laugh at their bold indiscretion. Beer drinking girls are who they are. No fakes here. If they want to jump your bones on the first date, they do so because they want what they want when they want it and would do the walk of shame with their head held high. Oh wait- walk of shame? Shiiii- they own it like the walk of fame girl.

Girls who drink beer usually know how to shoot pool, throw darts, and well, drop it like it’s hot. On the dance floor and in the bed...

Girls who prefer a bottle of beer to a glass of chardonnay usually know how to hold their own and hang-with-the-boys so they say. They aren’t specific, they’re usually not too picky, not too opinionated, and can go with the flow. (All of this I think I know from beer drinker’s?!) I know! Such crazy opinions have...

A beer drinking girl can whip her hair at a concert, walk in mud and rain to get to a tent that has beer and sit on a broken down lawn chair and enjoy that beer with a smile on her face. Why? Because beer drinking girls understand the simple things like good music, a round of friends, and well, a cold bottle of beer. Nothing is too serious or too dramatic. Sex on the first date really isn’t THAT big of a deal to them either.

If you’re on a first date and you ask the girl what she wants to drink and she replies “Oh I’ll just have a beer.” Chances are you’re getting it in. Well about a 60% chance, according to this study.

The way I see it, a beer drinking girl is comfortable in her skin, she knows who she is, what she wants, and she’s not afraid to get IT.

If the girl wants wine, she probably likes to take things slow (hence the sipping) and doesn’t want to get toooo tipsy. She likes to look well polished and not get her hair all out of order ...

A girl that hops on the shots right away is insecure and trying too hard. She’ll probably end up like a hot mess later and you won’t be able to get her OUT of the bed if she makes it to it. Her performance will not be up to par either, unlike the beer drinking girl who doesn't have to wonder what you think or if you’ll take her home because she assumes you think she’s awesome and she knows you want to take her home.

So, cheers to all my bottle loving, brew hugging, dirty doing little bitches out there in the world tonight. May your first date start with a beer and end with a bang.

I think I’ll drink to that :)

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