I officially sewed a button back onto my coat tonight in less than 10 minutes! This is a huge improvement from the last time I sewed a button on a coat about 8 months ago where it took me almost half hour. Well, it took 10 minutes to find the mini travel needle and thread kit I have (I got it as a “going to college” gift almost 15 years ago and only one third of a thimble sized spool of thread has been used). It took another 5 minutes to tie the knot, another 5 to sew it only to have it undo itself in 10 seconds and then another 10 to resew it. It fell off 2 days later and of course I had to go back home and have my mom do it the RIGHT way. I really should have watched her....
I have the kind of mom who knows how to do things like that. She sewed stuff. She got stains out of things. She kept the house fresh and clean. She was a home maker and the ideal “Mom” to all of my friends. I was too busy reading TEEN magazine and flirting with boys to be bothered by such things. I had the kind of mom that made my bed every morning and never asked me to help wash dishes. I didn’t even know how to use a washer and dryer until I went to college and my roommates had to teach me. I still can’t get stains out and usually throw things away and buy new stuff rather than deal with the frustration. Ask me how to apply mascara and shop for the perfect pair of shoes and I’m your girl. I don’t sew things or crochet things (although I think I’d be excellent at it), I don’t have the patience for it, and I always seem to be in the middle of a stitch and the needle pops through the other side and slides right underneath my thumb nail. The little prick. After my button sewing tonight, I have the perfect little circle of red blood at the base of my finger where the skin ends and the nail starts to grow. It hurts. (hey is that what the thimble thing is for?) I got the button on though!
The best part of all this though? My kid was rooting me on the whole time. He was fascinated by this as he has NEVER in his 4 years of life seen my dusty little needle and thread kit. He thought I was the coolest, most talented mom in the world for being able to use a needle and sew. He was so cute in his fuzzy little pajamas, laying on his belly with his hands cradling his face and watching with big eyes as I attempted to thread the needle. “Wow, Mommy you’re doing really really good!” He cheered when I finally got the thread through the eye of the needle (that’s what it’s called right?) I laughed at his intrigue with the whole thing. It kept me going though. “Can’t quit until you get it right honey. You start something you gotta finish it. You can do anything you set you’re mind to. Winners never quit and quitters never win.” I’m spitting out these little lessons as I’m sewing away. Without the kid watching my every move, I probably would have said screw this and had my husband take it to the tailor. Yes, he takes every item of clothes that has ever needed a button replaced or a rip to be sewn to his tailor because he knows that he married a woman who doesn’t sew. The tailor is awesome though and usually just does it for free now.
I’m not saying I intend to sew again or that I’m certain this button will stay put. I’m just proud I got the damn thing on! It will likely end up in the tailor shop or on my mom’s kitchen table getting done the proper way, BUT the kid will never need to know this and so in his eyes he’ll still think his mom is a genius with a little sewing kit who can fix a broken button :)
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