Monday, March 28, 2011

Polygamy: Not so crazy?

Ok I’m guilty! I watch the show Sister Wives and I can’t stop! There is something fascinating about a man who can willingly admit to having 4 wives and 18 some kids combined to the entire world. The strange part? Through all the chaos and stress, at the end of the day, they are all HAPPY. It’s true. They all claim to love their life and this huge family they have built together. I'm not even sure of their entire religious beliefs, but all I know is that they belief "love should be multiplied and not divided." Is it really that simple?

Honestly, I have to say, I don’t know how in the hell this Kody Brown guy does it. Can you imagine trying to please FOUR women? One is hard enough! How do you balance all of the bills and still play a main role in every child’s life while trying to tend to the individual needs of each woman? I get anxiety just thinking about it. I always thought of polygamy as this strange/ sick thing that was sinful and gross, but after watching the show (and I can’t believe I’m going to say this...) it actually kind of makes sense in a twisted sort of way and Kody Brown is kind of a likable guy! (I know! I’m crazy.)

Being one of 4 wives would have advantages after'd never be without a babysitter, even with all those people, you could still find alone time, you could always have a woman nearby to confide in, get advice, or help you roast a turkey... If you had a headache or PMS or just aren't in the mood, you could simply pass him onto the next one (heehee that was a joke)

Here’s the thing. This world is messed up. Look around you. Look at the television shows that reach top ratings. There’s teenagers getting famous due to unwed pregnancy, Jersey Shore guidos having multiple sex partners and brag about it, and not to mention the nipped and tucked reality shows such as The Real Housewives and Dr. 90210. People have issues and we relish in it. We eat it up. My Strange Addiction broadcasts a guy in love with a life sized sex doll and a woman who has been eating the insides of couch cushions for 15 years. People are frickin’ crazy! But the Sister Wives? They seem as sweet and normal as a lady serving food in a cafeteria or a nurse taking your blood pressure. The kids are normal. There would be absolutely no need for nanny 911 in this house. They abide by the rules and everything is in order. “They” are some of the most normal / sane minded people I have ever seen on a reality show. What does that tell you about this world?

Granted, Kody Brown may be a sex addict, we’ll never know. He may be claiming polygamy as an excuse for wanting to satisfy his desire to be with multiple women...but I have to say, I don’t think so. I think he truly loves every woman in their own way. Which makes me wonder....If the roles were reversed and if this was acceptable by society to fall in love with multiple men, date them, and eventually marry as many men as I wanted. Would I?

Hmmm....If all of the men were team polygamy and I didn’t have to worry about breaking up any jealous fist fights, and if I never met my current husband of course, well, perhaps I could? Yes, I can feel myself sliding into hell as I type this, but THINK about it! We have all loved different people for different reasons and I always say relationships are about timing. I can see it now... One would be the book smart type who could answer any computer questions I had and prefer to do crossword puzzles and play scrabble with me. Another would be the “fix it” guy who would always have my car issues taken care of, the toilet flushing correctly, and build me my dream closet by hand. Another would be my sporty guy who would enjoy playing tennis,working out, and hiking. Another would be the guy who loves to cook and garden and photograph our life. Of course you’d have to have the party guy in the mix. Another would be.... OK I’m getting way out of hand here, and besides, my husband’s traits are all I’d ever really need to be happy so I could never complain about the way things are....

BUT, the bottom line is this: Don’t judge people. I know a lot of people who have a lot of issues, and I would rather trust the women on Sister Wives to watch my child than some women that I know. They are endearing and are honestly trying to do the best that they know how in their life. I respect people who are honest and can cry about the things that bother them, talk about the things that concern them, and forgive the small mistakes of others. These women do that. I’m not saying they’re some sort of role models in society, or that they’re better for being polygamists, but I am proud that they stepped outside the box and let the cameras into their lives, because really? They’re not bad people. I admire anyone who doesn’t fall victim to the preconceived notions of society, and so to the Brown family all I have to say is “If it works for you and makes you a better person and a happier person, than more power to you.”

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