This is a tiny little message to all The Real Housewives, Bachelor/Bachelorette wannabes, Jersey Girls, chics from The Hills, etc. You got your fame, isn’t that enough? Let me drive my point here: I like your shows, even though it’s a love/hate thing with reality TV, I still watch them as it sort of satisfies my “get-to-peek-into-people’s-lives-without-being-illegal” kind of fetish thing I have. It’s entertaining, makes me giggle, and if nothing else, makes me grateful for the life I have. How-eVer, can we please just keep it as that? Must we suddenly think we can put out a hit record, write best sellers, and come out with jewelry, make-up, and skin care lines on top of it? Ugh. Money can’t buy you everything, and there’s not a dollar in the world that can make you hit that high “C” note without hours of electronic altering. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE ANYTHING MORE THAN THE REALITY STAR YOU ARE. WE are fine with you that way.
Every other Real Housewife just “happens” to decide they can sing in one season or another and I have not heard one voice that proves that singing is their hidden little forte. Hell, I can sing better than most of them, even after I’ve had a few too many cocktails and the karaoke machine isn’t spittin' the right lyrics. And skincare lines? How in the hell do you suddenly know about anti-aging? Didn’t Botox and Restalyne get your face that way? And why you still puffin’ on Marlboros behind the scenes? Is that part of your anti-wrinkle regime? It just doesn’t even make sense!
Kardashian girls, you know I love you, although I yell at the TV when you are on. Especially you, Kourtney, but it gets the ratings. However….why do you girls have to keep coming out with more and more products? You’re rolling in the dough already, have your clothing stores and fashion lines. But now we have perfumes? Self tanner? Teeth whitening pens? Quick slim diet pills? Enough already! I’m just waiting for them to come out with a scented tampon line… 3 sizes: small, medium, and large for each body type. Seriously, it wouldn’t shock me.
All this added shit people need to do once their name is known only screams “money hungry and willing to do anything to keep it rolling in.” It’s getting to be a little much. Just because you became famous through that little box called the television and people recognize your face, it does NOT mean, you can suddenly acquire the skills to pen a novel, understand how to rid acne, or design a jewelry line. Your gift is to be a “reality TV” star because people either love to hate you, enjoy watching you make mistakes and fail in love, cry over some boy, or get a kick out of your loud mouth drama. You don’t have to be anything more. I don’t want to hear you screech to the sound of a hip hop beat when your pushing 50 or watch you try and sell a tanning line when the last time I saw you in US Weekly you looked like a pale excuse for a pumpkin (a-hem Lindsey Lohan). So just stick to what you know and stop trying to make more and more money, when I’m sure you’re doing just fine as it is.
Thank you for listening. And thank you for entertaining me.
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