Monday, August 30, 2010

The Bad Girls Guide to Good Health

**This is an article that was published in SELF magazine. I found it interesting, so thought I'd share it with you! I've added my own "personal" thoughts in RED INK.

Scientists have already given their blessings to guilty pleasures such as nibbling chocolate (I have chocolate every single day or else I get cranky) (it's high in antioxidants) and sipping wine (red vino is heart-healthy). Now, studies are finding upsides to other so-called bad behaviors. Some things — like smoking or an addiction to cookies 'n' cream (I do love my ice cream so I beg to differ—there are mood altering advantages to eating it and yes I believe I am proof this) — we'd never endorse, but these six naughty habits can feel good and be good for you.
1. Getting pissed off can keep stress in check
A little anger may be a tonic for both your mind and body. (I knew that my temper tantrums and verbal expolsions had to be related to something positive!) For example, new studies suggest that riled-up people make better decisions. (So the next time you lose your cool and accidentally tell someone to go f*#k theirselves, just let them know you’re on the verge of making a very important decision so pease don’t take offense. Hmm…makes sense) And researchers at Carnegie Mellon University found that anger — as opposed to fear or anxiety — can prompt your brain to release less cortisol, the powerful stress hormone linked to problems like obesity, bone loss, and heart disease. "Traditionally, it has been difficult for women to express anger effectively, because we're 'supposed' to act nurturing and sensitive," (huh? I think I have male genetics then) says Julie K. Norem, Ph.D., author of The Positive Power of Negative Thinking. So let your ire out. Just don't go overboard; chronic rage is unproductive.

2. Downing coffee could cut your cancer risk
Coffee's most exalted attribute — energy-boosting caffeine — has nothing on its real health superpowers. Studies show that drinking daily joe may minimize your risk for Parkinson's disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes (Ha! Finally some validation for my 16 oz. mocha icecrema with whipped cream! I always do feel muuuuch better after having one) . Why? Most chronic diseases are related to inflammation, and coffee is chock-full of anti-inflammatory compounds, says Shelley McGuire, Ph.D., an associate professor of nutrition at Washington State University. Coffee also has more antioxidants than almost any other food (is that really true? I thought beans and berries had the most antioxidants- who did this study??). Sip one to three high-octane or decaf cups a day, but make sure you steer clear of fat traps such as whipped-cream-topped lattes (Boooo! Whipped cream is the icing on the cake baby). "If you're piling on calories," warns McGuire, "you're probably wiping out the benefits."
3. Being a slob may help you breathe easier
Messy women everywhere cheered when a British study found that an unmade bed could nix in-house allergens (turns out, tucked-in sheets can offer dust mites a covered breeding area). (I always make the bed with untucked sheets= points for me!)But here's even more encouraging news for the not-so-tidy: Environmental and internal medicine expert Kenneth Rosenman, M.D., says you should focus on keeping your home reasonably clean, not entirely pristine.(Wonderful news! The dust won’t bug me as much now- or the spotted windows-yippee!) "The huge push to disinfect our homes isn't healthy," he explains. "A little messiness is OK." Zapping every germ around — including the harmless ones — can clear the way for more serious or resistant strains. Plus, certain household disinfectant sprays and air fresheners release chemicals that can heighten asthma risk. Skip spray cleaners in favor of environmentally friendly pourable ones — and don't forget that a simple clean damp cloth can do wonders.
4. Drinking beer may benefit your heart and bones
(Love where this is going already) Go ahead, crack open that brewski: (I think I will thank-you) Research indicates that beer could be an even better heart-disease fighter than red wine, says Charles Bamforth, Ph.D., a professor of food science and technology at the University of California at Davis. The refreshing stuff is made with malted barley, which happens to contain the same heart-protecting antioxidants that give red wine its good name. But beer also packs high levels of vitamin B6 (ahh...the happy vitamin), which keeps our bodies from building up homocysteine, a chemical linked to increased coronary risk. And your whole body gets a boost in the form of silica,(aka: the buzz) a compound that helps strengthen bones(so that’s what the tingling is about! But why the extra bruises in the morning? Hmmmm). Bamforth suggests sticking to one beer a day(borrr-riiiing). Look for brews made with ample pale malt and hops (i.e., pale ales), which are especially rich in silica.
5. Surfing the Internet might tune up your brain
(If that’s the case, than I am one well-tuned machine!) All that online shopping may yield more than a fab pair of heels(yessssss). A new study at the University of California at Los Angeles found that just one week of frequent Web browsing can fire up your brain's complex-reasoning hubs. "Time online may improve your ability to make decisions," says study coauthor and psychiatrist Gary Small, M.D. It's possible that the more we surf, the more efficient our brains can become at strategizing, he explains. "It's like going to the gym. (A race of the mind for bargain hunting, me likey) After a while, you can lift more weight with less effort." But scientists aren't giving i-geeks free license to click around all day and night. Take regular breaks and, adds Small, be sure to socialize with actual humans.
6. Chewing gum can keep you trim
(I have at least one piece a day) We hate to burst the bubble of etiquette watchers, but recent research shows that chomping on gum — ever so politely, of course — can improve both short- and long-term memory (scientists are still figuring out exactly why). And chewing the stuff might also help you slim down (could that be how Britney slimmed down? Hmmm), according to new research from the University of Rhode Island. Animal research suggests that frequent chewing can stimulate the brain's satiety center, which is responsible for making us feel full, says lead study author Kathleen Melanson, Ph.D., R.D. (Bonus: Her subjects also had higher energy levels.) Go with a stick of the sugar-free kind. (Hmm…a different study said that chewing gum makes you swallow air, which results in bloating, which causes gas, but isn’t that always the case with articles like this? What’s good is bad and what’s bad in good, it’s all in how you perceive it)
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