SeVen. seven. SEVEN. My little miracle is SEVEN years old and time is officially faster than a speeding bullet.
Just when you think the kid cannot get any sillier than he already is....
I catch him singing “who let the dogs out” whilst popping up his collar and dancing in his interpretation of a hip-hop rapper while our little chihuahua Nico sits in observance with a confused look under his big ears.
Just when you think he can’t get any cuter.....
You peek around the corner of the bathroom door to see him with a bath towel wrapped ‘round his belly and combing his wet hair into a mohawk and looking at himself in the mirror with big bug eyes and a monkey face just to make himself look as ridiculous as possible and then he laughs. And then I know for certain he is my child...
Just when you think he can’t get any sweeter.....
He sees that little Nico is shivering and so he covers him with his blanket, kisses him on the top of his head and pets his ears until he stops.
Just when you think he can’t be any smarter.....
he goes and says things like “Mommy, if we call turkey sandwiches turkey sandwiches then why don’t we call ham sandwiches pig sandwiches?” I mean honestly....
Just when you think he can’t be any more humbled....
You see him peer at the homeless guy on the street holding a sign and he says “Mommy, I am so lucky to have a house and a bed and be in a warm car,” without ever mentioning seeing the man. We think in sync and intertwine the same thoughts I swear.
Just when you think he can’t be any more endearing....
He’ll say out of the blue “Mommy, what if I can never find a girl to marry me?” And I almost want to cry when I explain that he is so special and so full of love that all the girls in the world will be lined up in hopes of getting his heart and his only job will be simply to “choose one.” To which I see him smile and relax into a dreamy 6 year old grin. For heavens sake...
Just when you think he can’t be any more thoughtful...
He sees you upstairs doing laundry and asks if he can “help” while also bringing you your cell phone and your glass of water “just in case you forgot” them downstairs.
Just when you think he cannot be any more loving....
He comes up behind you at random and wraps his arms around your waist in a big hug. After your heart melts and you ask him what that was for he replies “I just wanted to hug you because you’re the best Mommy in the world.” You did nothing special to deserve it other than exist.
Just when you think your heart can’t swell any more than it already has he says things like this:
“I wonder if Grandma gets cold in heaven. Oh wait she’s by the sun so I bet it’s warmer up there. But the snow comes from the sky too. Oh but Grandma can fly so she’ll just put on her wings and go towards the sun if it gets cold. Right Mommy?”
Then I look at his little curious brown eyes, the same color as mine with the same glow of peculiar interest and anticipation for life and I say “Yes honey, of course she can fly.”
He’ll makes me promise that he can live with me and Daddy and Nico forever in this house because he doesn’t want to ever leave us. He forces a pinky swear and a cross your heart to confirm that indeed he will neVer leave us.
But I know....
One day he will be a teenager who no longer views me as the funniest, smartest, prettiest mommy in all of the land and he may not want to hug and kiss me goodnight and pinky swear that he’ll live with me til he’s ninety. It might not all be roses and sunshine.
But I will also know....
That deep inside there is still that 7 year old little boy who once worried that he’d never get married, made hilarious faces at himself in the mirror when he thought I wasn’t watching and who believed his grandma could fly.
SeVen. seven. SEVEN. I can’t believe my baby is seven.
Excuse me while I wipe the tear off my cheek.
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