My little Munch. It’s what I call him you know. It’s short for munchkin. It’s the current trendy title I like to bellow out when I call for him and it’s the sweet little term of endearment I use when I nuzzle his ear and kiss his lil’ cheeks goodnight. I sort of sing it like “LiiiitlleeMuuuuUnchhhh” and he responds with a smile. He is my gem. My star. My only. The light of my life. The peanut butter to my jelly. The axis to my earth. My child. My lovely little blessing with the cutest cheeks on the planet and a grin that could light up a room in 2 seconds flat. My silly little munch. Enough gushing now on to my story...
So he has been obsessed with kid motorcycles for a good year or so now. He dreams of them I’m certain. He watches video clips on youtube of toddlers riding motorcycles and it fascinates him. He watches them race and vroom vroom with their little helmets and riding gloves on and he thinks it’s the epitome of “cool.” He wants one more than he wants to be superman. He has been looking forward to Christmas since July convinced that his good behavior will land him a motorcycle beside the tree on Christmas morning. He doesn’t even talk in the wishing sense that he will get one, he talks in the matter-of-fact I am getting this kid motorcycle type of dialog. He’ll look up and smile stating “I can’t wait to get that kid motorcycle mommy. It’s gonna be awesome.”
Unless there is a real Santa Claus I do not foresee this wish being granted (bad mommy, I know). I’m hoping the obsession will fade once he sees all the beautiful new toys that come out for Christmas time. Anyways, the motorcycle thing is all he talks about and it’s his #1 dream. Until a few days ago. He finally announced that he no longer wants a kid motorcycle.
HE WANTS SOMETHING MORE THAN A KID MOTORCYCLE?!?! My heart danced in glee as I realized I didn’t have to see a little boy with a broken heart come Christmas morning when there would be no 2 wheeled danger mobile parked under the tree. I said “Are you sure? I thought you wanted that more than anything in the world.” “Well, I still like motorcycles but I really really really want something else that’s way more special than a motorcycle.” I said, “Well you’ve been really good so I’m sure Santa will bring what you think is special, what do you want?”
“What I really really want more than anything is that I want a little sister.”
A wha-huh?
*Ok so my heart broke a little inside because as he said it he was crawling onto the couch in his little footed pajamas with his baby blankie that he got the day he was born and will never detach from, and he laid down and looked at me with the utmost sincerity in his eyes and an underlying sadness that made my heart tip sideways.
I questioned him on this because he has always said how he likes being an only child and Nico (our lovely chihuahua) is his BFF/brother and he’s happy with our little family. He then informed me that he has changed his mind. He said “but if I’m so good then I’d make a really good big brother and I promise to always take care of her and love her forever and I’ll even put a blankie on her. Then Santa doesn’t have to bring me anything because you can have my gift from your tummy.” Oh heavens.
I don’t know if he’s a mini genius that’s dabbling with the advantages of reverse psychology or if he indeed wants “new life” for Christmas, but either way I have now found myself looking for motorcycles fit for 5 year olds and full on body gear for protection. The little stinker....
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