If you’ve peeked at the news at all lately you’d know that the CEO of Chick-fil-A restaurants has willingly put his foot in his mouth when admitting his distaste for same sex marriage and stating that he’s for the biblical form of family unions. Obviously, since this is a country divided by politics, women and men are on the edge of their seats just waiting for the next controversial remark to slide off of a citizen’s tongue in order to let chaos ensue and protests run rampage in an effort to fight for their rights and beliefs. CEO, Dan Cathy holds his ground. He’s a christian after all and well, they just don’t believe in the actions of same sex love, according to him.
Free speech or not, it’s probably not wise to state that you and your company are against same sex unions unless you intend to spark some major protests and risk a quick boycott on your business. On the other hand, those who support his position are lined up at the door ready to proudly purchase their fat ridden sandwiches and milk shakes as a way to condone his right to free speech and agree with his statements. Things are never really about what they’re about, there’s always underlining issues and emotions that make people do the things they do, in this case it’s whether or not to purchase a chicken sandwich based on a remark by the CEO.
Some people support the fact that Dan Cathy had the balls to stand up for what he believes to be right and some people want to cut off his balls for saying it, either way people are all fired up...which leads me to question: Should this guy get a bad rap for stating what (unfortunately) other people in the world are (still) thinking? Well yes I suppose. If you’re going to say something you have to be willing to take the multitude of backlash that comes along with it, you open yourself up to the barrage of opinions and supposedly “unholy” like relationships that (like it or not) exist in the world today. The good, the bad, and the ugly will trail after every word you speak, especially if you announce it to where the world will hear it.
It is 2012 people, times have changed things. This isn’t just about whether or not someone condones your sexual choices. It is about equality. It is about rights. It is about humanity, civil decency, and respect to our fellow citizens. This is how people fight for their liberty in 2012. You make a comment about being anti-gay and it will not get brushed off people’s shoulders. It’s not always about what the bible says to be right or wrong, if you’re going to bring out the good ol’ Leviticus 18:22 verse that states “thou shall not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination,” then you better also follow everything else that the bible says you are not to do unless you'd like to risk looking like a hypocrite.
For example, Leviticus 19:27 states, “Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of they beard.” (Hmm...Dan Cathy has a shaved head and no facial hair. Is he disobeying God’s command?) Leviticus 19:28 states “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.”(Hmm...Dan Cathy has his own motorcycle gang called Moo Cow bikers and has been quoted saying: “I think we all need more friends with tattoos, ponytails and earrings!”) I could go all day with this but you get my point here!
I am not anti bible and I am not anti-God. I believe that whether you are straight, gay, tranny, bi-tri, purple, spotted, unicorned, what the hell ever, sleep with whomever and buy what you want and marry who you choose to, as long as you do not hurt anyone else by doing it that is OK by me. WE are equal. But hey, since I’m on a bible verse role here, let’s whip out a few more shall we? Make your brain like a sponge and absorb them please:
Corinthians 3:16
"Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple."
Genesis 1:29
And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food."
Proverbs 21:21
He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.
Proverbs 15:17
Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred.
By the way, this is the first blog that I have ever quoted bible verses! I don’t obsess over all of it’s hidden meanings and rules, but I only stated these things because:
Every Christian in support of Dan Cathy who is against gay marriage needs to know that they are appearing to be a hypocrite if they stand in line for their Chik-Fil A sandwich in an effort to back his statements. Why you ask? Well for starters, God intended for us to live, eat, and survive off of the earth, hence his “seed.” He did not state anything in the Bible about consuming monosodium glutamate (MSG) which is one of the main ingredients in the sandwich. So if you point your finger at the gays and say they’re living in sin, well so are you my friend. Fix your diet. You should be treating your body like a temple and honoring your physical and moral self. Eating chemically laced foods is in violation of God’s will. You should not be poisoning your body. Your gift of life is being invaded by toxins with every bite from Chik-Fil- A. Yes it is. Here are the ingredients in their sandwich:
• monosodium glutamate (twice!)
• soybean oil
• sodium aluminum phosphate
• dimethylpolysiloxane (an anti-foaming chemical) <---that’s a filler in breast implants!
• high fructose corn syrup <----GAH! Don't even get me started on this one!
• ammonium sulfate
• soy lecithin
• sodium benzoate
• polysorbate 80
• yellow 5
• blue 1
• potassium sorbate
The longer list can be found below:
If you claim to follow the teachings of Christ and yet practice gluttony and willingly eat things that are toxic you are living a lie and will go to hell. Right? If you claim to be a Christian but do not practice good nutrition, all the prayer in the world will not save you from disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's. You are abusing your temple and God helps those who help themselves. Clean your body and clean your mind. Fast food is toxic to your temple and you are disrespecting God when you disrespect your body.
Seriously though, doesn’t this whole battle of gay rights vs. chicken sandwiches seem a bit ridiculous? If you’re that worked up over his comments just stop eating his unhealthy sandwiches. You’ll outlive the guy and his asinine thoughts won’t matter anyway! Let the supporters of his restaurant clog their arteries and get fat. Wake up!! Quit being programmed like a robot to eat this junk just because a commercial glamorizes it by having a gorgeous set of red lips tease you into eating it. You are smarter than that!
I think I’ll go eat some fruit and fuel my temple now. In closure: Eat to live, don’t live to eat. Love yourself and you will learn to love all others. Don’t get your panties in a bunch over all this chaos --stupid people say stupid shit all the time, we just don’t hear about it. Acceptance of same sex relationships is just around the corner and if you stop eating drug laced Chick-fil A sandwiches you may still be alive to see it.
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