I came across this piece awhile ago and I think it has some great points! I had to add my little tid-bits after each one of course...
"Ten Commandments for Reducing Stress" (anonymous)
1.Thou shalt not be perfect or even try to be.
Trying to be perfect is an instant stress inducer. Perfection, while seemingly echoes “strength” I have recently realized that the need to be “perfect” is actually a sign of weakness in that you are not secure enough to own the fact that you are meant to be flawed. Trying too hard to get it right or not fail can also have harmful repercussions. It’s so much easier to do the best you can, whether or not it’s worthy of being called perfect. Accept your faults and let yourself shine true.
2. Thou shalt not try to be all things to all people.
Hello? Being someone’s everything is so 1982. If you need someone else to be your everything, than I suggest you start working on yourself a bit more. It is a necessary prerequisite to make it on your own before making it with someone else. Don't make yourself be the brick wall and on- call therapist to everybody you know. It gets tiring. People need to learn how to become their own rock and be less reliant on others.
3. Thou shalt sometimes leave things undone that ought to be done.
This is tough because I love to finish things I start, but then again I think it’s ok to not feel like you have to “do everything” that appears to seem important. Things can wait. Nobody is going to die if you leave the coffee table a little dusty for a few days or if you don’t wipe that muddy spot off the carpet that you’ve been staring at for 2 weeks. It’s ok to let some things slide in the name of laziness :)
4. Thou shalt not spread thyself too thinly.
Very good point here. Most stress develops when people over commit or tend to utter the word “yes” when they really wish to say “no.” We only have 2 arms and 2 legs (if we’re blessed that is- and appreciate it if you do), and therefore can only do so much at once. We also have only one heart and if it beats too fast or starts to knot up, well that’s just bad for the mind and soul so I’d rather slow down, schedule “me” time, and make my heart happy.
5. Thou shalt learn to say "No",
No I do not want to do the laundry. No I do not want to pay the bills. No I do not want to go to work. Haha---ok so more like: No I do not need to buy another pair of boots. No I do not really want another piece of cake. No I will not stay angry because I believe in forgiveness.
6. Thou shalt schedule time for thyself and for your supportive network.
Me me me me me- I love spending time with moi and you should too! Shopping, cooking, reading, dancing, sex, those activities are just as fun solo, trust me. Supportive network aka "girlfriends" will always have a place in my calendar. Women rule.
7. Thou shalt switch off and do nothing regularly.
As if anyone could possibly have difficulty with this. Turn the TV to bravo and gimme some food and I’m set. Let the mind numbing begin....
8. Thou shalt be boring, untidy, inelegant, and unattractive, at times.
Um, isn’t that what Sunday mornings are for? You’re lucky to get me out of the PJs. I’m never boring though, that just isn’t possible. I’m a goofy, inelegant disaster, but still fun no less. I have a kid to entertain.
9. Thou shalt not even feel guilt.
Easy peasy! I threw guilt out the window the day I graduated from catholic school. I shall never grace the floor of a confessional with my 4” pumps ever again thankyouverymuch. I live the good life and don’t try to be something I’m not. I’m ok with my minor slip ups and know that all is forgiven in my world.
10. Especially, thou shalt not be thine own worst enemy but be thine own best friend.
I honestly agree with this! I have been my own best friend since I was old enough to sing in the mirror and use the potty. Embrace the person that you are and nourish the person you wish to become. Be on your side. Trust your instincts. Love yourself on the inside out and you will never know loneliness.
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