So here I was walking down the condiment aisle at the grocery store, trying to justify the $9 price tag for organic syrup when this cute little voice behind me says “Excuse me Miss, but could I use your height to get something up high for me?” I looked to the left and then to the right, and then I realized she was indeed speaking to ME. She must have been mid 20-s, cute strawberry blonde, with a spritz of freckles on her nose, and she needed MY help. I have never ever in my entire life been called upon to reach anything that is high up. Ever.
“Yeah sure!” I beamed. Ha! Am I really tall? I was all ready to spin around and reach up for something, anything she wanted, but then she said, “Follow me, it’s in the freezer section.” You mean to tell me that this girl sought ME out for help to reach something?! The freezer section was like FOUR aisles over! There were people everywhere. I’m barely 5’7! I giddily strolled behind her, stretching my back up a little further and improving my posture, for I was now considered to be “tall” by someone. Would I even be able to reach this particular item? What could it be she needs? I was getting nervous...
We reach a freezer door of packaged vegetables and way in the back of the top row, there was one bag left of mixed peas, carrots, and broccoli and she said with a gentle point, “There. I need that bag of stir fry.” It was so far back that if I were to try and get it for myself, I probably would have just reached for another kind on a lower shelf. It looked impossible. BUT, I was TALL to this girl and my 4.5 inch heels were finally getting some credit other than being fashionable footwear. So I reached as far as my arm would stretch, and with one little hop upwards I grabbed it by the frozen corner. “YES!” she squealed,” Oh thank you so much, I knew you’d be able to reach it. You’re a life saver.” She happily bounced away with joy and I stood still and relished in my tallness.
I felt like a hero. A tall hero. I think I grew an inch with pride alone. My dream of being “tall” came true for a moment tonight in the grocery store. She will never know what that did for me. If I knew who in the hell she was I’d send her a thank you card.
Oh, and NEVER underestimate the power of high heeled footwear. Or perhaps I really AM going through a late growth spurt? One can dream! Think I’ll go look for the measuring tape...