Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A few words to Charlie Sheen....

Dear Charlie Sheen,

Grow the hell up and get your shit together. The baby daddies on Teen Mom are better fit for fatherhood than your sorry ass, coke snortin’, prostitute screwin’, hard boozin, wife beatin’ piece of crap. I don’t care how good of an actor you are or how much $$$ you got in the bank. Fame cannot earn you respect. Money cannot buy you a free pass at intelligence in the eyes of the public. At the end of day, NO, people don’t really give two shits about your life and we don’t go to sleep at night wondering who Charlie Sheen is banging or whether or not he’s wasted in some hotel room with some ho tied up in a bathroom while he’s blurry eyed and breathing through a nose that’s clogged with coke, but guess what? We have to hear about it on the radio, watch it on the entertainment news, and see photos of it on the internet and magazine covers. So with your bloody fame breathing down our necks, of course we are forced to make some sort of opinion on the nature of your actions. I thought you sucked long long ago, but everyone else seemed to think you were such a great actor, that it somehow condoned it all. I’m just so over the rich and famous prancing around on the red carpet and sucking up the lime light, and lavishing in the Hollywood glory of seeing their face in multiple films, but the second they do something raunchy and down right disgusting they’re all “oh my private life is none of your business.” Excuse me? Your private life depicts the true YOU, it lets your true personality step out of the shadow of the fictional character you play, and this Charlie Sheen, helps us decide whether or not we want to invest our time watching you enjoy the thrill of being so talented at your skill. Maybe I don’t want to contribute to your pay check by watching your show so that you can spend more $$ on drugs and ho-bags while potentially disrupting the well being of your children.
Gaahh! And now you’re prancing around back on the set of “Two and a half Men” (a-hem you’re not even 1/2 a man by the way) with some hot little barely 18 blonde little bimbo on your arm, making out in between sets but telling everyone it’s nobody’s fucking business who she is. You’re such an idiot you probably assume she actually thinks you're hot even though you look like a wrinkled old grandpa next to her and she has that twinkle in her eye because she's pretty proud of herself for getting her photo in a gossip magazine, but if you didn’t have $$ she wouldn’t look twice at your tired old monkey face... Charlie Sheen, you ooze douche bag to me in so many ways I cannot even stand to discuss it anymore, so my rant needs to end before I try to rip up my computer screen for allowing your name to even be typed on it!

So please. Grow up so the tabloids have a reason to shut up. I’m tired of looking at your face. And quit trying to look all suave and sexy when you look at the camera, because at your age, it just comes across as looking confused....

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