Dear Winter,
Although the beginning of our relationship seemed to start off fresh and magical, I’m sad to say my feelings have changed. I remember the way your snow twinkled in the air and swept me off my feet, and how your soft flakes gently caressed my face, but I am now realizing that I was completely delusional during that period of time. Like the snow blowing through the air, love floats; and this love my dear Winter, has taken a high speed tornado track to disappointment and grief.
I know it’s not your fault, you’re just being yourself by dropping ice and sleet in an effort to freeze the land, but I’m afraid my heart has frozen along with it and I just cannot go on. You have turned me into a cold hearted woman these past few days and I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel (although if I did, I’d run to that beam of sunshine and let it ravage my body with it’s heat and start a hot and sultry affair right then and there....)
You see my dear Winter, once again you have turned out to be a disguise, a mirage. You paint a pretty picture of frosty innocent snow and glowing fires, but then you piss all over it with your muddy tire flaps and dead end roads. We have a total lack of communication and I’m tired of trying to pound my point into your thick frozen skull. You exhaust my soul. My windshield wipers are mere icicles flapping back and forth, and like the slow tick tock of my heart, I just can’t move past the blurry mess of what we have become...
You and I? We’re so not meant to be. You’re just not hot enough for me. You have turned vicious and cold and you’re taking me down with you. I am my own person damn it and you cannot, and will not change me.. I’m a beach bunny, not an ice princess and you’ll never change that. It’s like we live in two different worlds and neither one of us can compromise. So take you’re cute little snowmen and you’re mountains of slush and snow and get the hell out of my life. I don’t want to see you attempt to fix this with your damn snow plows or fancy little colored lights strung all over the land. Because in the end? I’m just not putting up with your drama anymore. What started off soft and sweet always turns rough and sour at the end with you and so I’m not falling for you ever again. This is it. This is me kissing your frozen ass good-bye.
Ta-ta Ta-ta :-)
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