Everything we need to know in life we learned in driving school. Really. I googled the Top Ten Pieces of Driving advice from automedia.com, and twisted their advice to put it into the perspective of life in general. It makes sense and I think you’ll agree!
Rule #1 Don't Back Up
Don’t try to undo your past or dwell in the “might have beens” in life. You can’t reverse time and you can’t back up and redo much of anything. Keep your eyes forward and your mind focused on the now. Today is all you really have, so leave the past in the past...
Rule #2 Work Smarter, Adjust mirrors, and clear your blind spots
Some people go through life in a robotic fashion without putting much thought into their every day actions. They go through it blindly. Some say that the people we surround ourselves with are actually mirrors of ourselves. Well? Do you like what you see? Who you are? If not, perhaps you need to adjust the people that you allow into your life. Many times we don’t want to see people for who or what they are and how they are affecting our life, But remember, people see things better on the outside, so listen to the advice of those who love you and open your eyes to reality..
Rule #3 Go Right
Hmmm… as in if you have the choice of doing right or wrong, choose right? Well, I’m a fan of bad decisions, but as long as you can veer back to the “right” track and learn a few lessons along the way, I’d say you’re doing alright :)
Rule #4 Learn Your Car
Understand the vehicle you drive. We were all given a body that we maneuver out and about on a daily basis. The skeleton and organs make up our car. The brain is the engine and food is our gasoline. Eat healthy and exercise regularly. Chocolate fuels my body on a daily basis and makes me happy, so don’t deny your vehicle of joy people…but stay away from high fructose corn syrup, that shit will just clog up your engine.
Rule #5 See and Be Seen
Hello people!? You can’t stay cooped up in your house all day watching TV and being couch potato. Enjoy life! Get out and be seen. Get noticed. Get off your ass and become useful. Let yourself shine. Remember: there are no strangers, only people waiting to be spoken to.
Rule #6 Figure Out The Clues
If you feel stuck in a rut, retrace your steps and figure out where you went wrong. Be aware of how you got to where you are. If you pay attention to yourself everyday and express your thoughts, you will become more aware of a potential rock bottom before you’ve hit it.
Rule #7 Prep Your Ride
A-hem, I find this tip to be very humorous, but it is indeed a driving tip (refers to worn out tires, breaks etc.) To my little perverse mind though, I’m thinking personal hygiene. Keep it clean kids. Nobody likes dirty junk. Oil keeps more things running than a car you know. Stay clean and please shower daily. Nobody wants to ride on a dirty road that’s full of bumps. Ewe…
Rule #8 Stay Sober and Hang—Up
Don’t drive drunk of course, that’s a given, but an occasional intoxication is definitely in the rule book if you feel so inclined to tip the bottle on solid ground. However, many bad decisions tend to happen when alcohol is involved, so know your limits. And that cell phone? HANG IT UP for a change. Do not whip it out during dinner, while in a group setting, or while using the potty in a public place (ewe!) And most of all, do NOT tie up a dressing room because you’re suddenly in a deep giddy conversation that goes a little something like “OMG, I’m like totally going out with him tonight and he’s all like saying how cute I am and I’m like reeeaaaallly?” cuz honestly? No one in line gives a shit and I just wanna try on my jeans thankyouverymuch.
Rule #9 Anticipate Possible Dilemmas
Know what to expect before it happens. Prepare mentally for possible road blocks in life. The company going downhill? Job hunt. The man staying out a little too late? Know that you may be in the process of replacement. Stories don’t match up? You are being lied to. Yes you are and stop denying it. If you stay aware of the changes that may occur and know that some things are inevitable, you won’t be so surprised when your life veers into some rough territory. Knowing ahead of time will prevent you from running out of gas and breaking down, instead you will able to refuel and keep on trucking, even if HE ran away with the newer model.
Rule #10 Pay Attention
PAY ATTENTION! You’ve heard it all your life and it will always be one of the best pieces of advice a person can offer you. Stay focused, listen with both ears, and be aware of who you are. Work on yourself inside and out. Understand that just because someone has a shiny exterior and a “big engine”, it doesn’t mean their wires aren’t a little crossed on the inside. If they rev your engine, they can also make your heart go flat, but always, always enjoy the ride. Vroom vroom.
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