Our cell phone. Our “smart” phone. Our love. Our wing man, assistant, stereo, camera, and calendar in one. These tiny rectangular objects have slowly become our LIFE all wrapped up in a cute little package that can fit in the palm of our hand. Access to anything our heart desires is practically a click away. We are spoiled incessantly by the convenience of this little smart rectangle and yet we completely take it for granted, but what the hell it’s technology, times have changed and I love to love it. My iphone and I were inseparable for almost 5 years...
Like any relationship...
Things get a little too comfortable after awhile. Things get slightly uneventful. Same ol’ same ol’. The parts feel the same, the sounds are repetitious, same colors, blah. Sometimes you want to spice things up a bit. Try something new. Could the grass be greener? Could the mind be quicker? Maybe there’s a better fit for me? What can I say, I got the itch. My palm? It got the twitch.
Along comes something “bigger.” Enter "The Samsung Galaxy" (even sounds more macho doesn’t it?) Wow! The size spoke volumes right away. The face was brighter, the package was larger. Made my little iphone look like a teeny weenie next to a rocket. It took awhile to figure out my new relationship and how “we” would work together. At first it kept piping up and beeping, ringing, vibrating at all intervals through out the day and I was powerless to stop it. I went nuts. It finally stopped for no reason on day 2. By day 3 I had stopped text messaging all together as the keyboard was a pain in the ass. Mr. Samsung couldn’t read my body language and adjust to my touch like thee old iphone could. You literally have to have fingers the size of toothpicks to hit the damn keys right. But the ring tones of seagulls and waves? Well, my ears were in love. I didn’t have time to figure out this new personality and what keys to press for what. We had more than one verbal altercation which resulted in me saying : “I f#%*@g hate this phone!”
My new case with the bright colored stripes looked all hot and fashion forward. It went with my personality. We looked good together. Things were going alright for a new relationship but while I had Mr Macho Samsung charging up on my night stand I was still sleeping with my iphone. As in spooning it actually.
Because there’s a particular sleep app that I rely on the soothe me to sleep and to wake me with angelic harps and a breeze. Samsung doesn’t have the app. There are similar apps with similar features, but not like this one. (It’s called sleep cycle and it’s the bomb)There’s just certain things an ex has that the new fling will never have. I missed my itunes. I missed the way my iphone knew my thoughts before I thought them. Read my mind and practically typed my messages for me. It spoke my language, understood my slang, and well, it just “got me.” I tried to get over it but couldn’t. I still found myself yearning for my old comfortable relationship and still reached for my old iphone in the morning only to be reminded that the functions have been stolen away from it. I felt like I was cheating on a rectangular object. How messed up have I become?
End scenario? I got me a new iphone5. I love the iphone. I didn’t need a new relationship, I just needed to work on the old one. It’s like my technological box got a makeover, worked out a bit, and slipped into a new pair of skinny jeans. I just need to get a hot new case for it to slide into and we’ll be rocking the world again.
I broke up with Samsung and won’t look back. At the end of the day “size doesn’t matter.” At least not in the smart phone world! But if you love something? Go ahead and set it free, it will always come back if it’s meant to be. Me and my iphone, my iphone and me, forever and always in “sync” we will be.